Established in February 2003, the Foundation Stage Forum has long been a platform for a vibrant online community of professionals involved with the Foundation Stage. With the advent of the new EYFS this community has become more active than ever. Come and join a warm and personal support network of reception teachers, nursery practitioners and registered childminders. Discuss issues, seek (and give) advice, find and download articles and resources – or just put your feet up and have a chat!
Whether experienced or new to the profession, members find inspiration, a place to share ideas, and a personal and friendly environment to meet with like-minded colleagues from around the country.
Supporting Children Team, Surrey Family Services has arranged free access to this resource for all its providers. As Surrey practitioners, you will also find your own local forum area, and your early year’s team will be able to keep in touch with you via email, letting you know of events and news from your local authority.
Joining is simple, visit www.eyfs.info, and click on ‘Create Account’ at the top of the page.
- You will see a field marked ‘LA Subscription Scheme’ with a prompt saying, ‘Enter your LEA Key Here’. Type your LA Registration Password Castleton2017RJ in this field. As you type you will see the button below change from ‘Create Account’ to ‘Check Key’.
- Be careful with this password. Ensure, for example, that you enter upper and lower case correctly. If you enter a password incorrectly more than twice you will be informed that you have used up your three attempts and need to wait three minutes.
- Once you have entered your password, click the ‘Check Key’ button. If you have entered the password correctly you will see the response ‘key accepted’ and after a brief interval will be taken to the main screen for registration details.
- Fill in the required fields
o Username – your username is the name that appears on screen when you are logged in so take a moment to decide whether you use your own name or one that enables you to retain your privacy. Please do not use your email address as your username
o Email address
o Password – create a password you will find easy to remember – this is your personal password
NOT the LA scheme password
o Your interest in FS education – choose the criteria that suits you best if you wish
o Fill in the answer to the ‘Registration Question’ – this helps protect us from people trying to spam the website
o Read and then Tick to accept the terms and conditions
o Click create account and that’s it and you’re subscribed for a year o Log in if asked to do so, and then start exploring
If you experience any problems please email customer.service@eyfs.info and we will be happy to help
If you already belong to the forum just email customer.service@eyfs.info with your username and the LA
scheme password above and we will upgrade your account accordingly.
The Foundation Stage Forum creators of Tapestry Online Learning Journals https://tapestry.info/ PLEASE NOTE THIS RESOURCE IS NOT FREE – AN ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FEE APPLIES