What do I need to bring on my child’s first day?
Please bring with you one medium sized bag with a couple of changes of clothes, nappies, wipes, comforters and any inhalers/pumps or epi-pens if needed specifically for your child. If you would like to keep nappies and wipes here in bulk you can, just give them to a member of staff when you arrive and these will be labeled and put away safe ready for use.
Does my child still have their sleep?
Breakfast is served between 7.30am -9am. Each room will have a mid morning snack at 10am. Lunch is then served at 12.00pm and is brought to us by an outside caterer a copy of the menu is available within this pack. When the children wake from their sleeps they are offered a mid afternoon snack around 2pm and then their tea is served at 3.30- 4pm. This too is brought to us by the caterer and stored in our fridge till serving time. If there are any allergies or anything in particular you do not want the child to have then you can tell us on your child’s enrolment form during their settling in visits. This information will be passed on to the caterer before the child starts.
When do they eat?
Please bring with you one medium sized bag with a couple of changes of clothes, nappies, wipes, comforters and any inhalers/pumps or epi-pens if needed specifically for your child. If you would like to keep nappies and wipes here in bulk you can, just give them to a member of staff when you arrive and these will be labeled and put away safe ready for use.
What are settling in visits?
Settling in visits are offered to you and the child two weeks prior to their start date. They can vary from 2-3 hours only per session. The first session we ask that you stay with your child and fill in all the relevant forms. When you come back again if you are happy then you can leave your child for the period of this session and call us as much as you like. We understand that it is a hard time for both parents and the children as they start upon their new nursery adventure, so we hope to help and support you throughout this whole transition.
What are the staff to child ratio’s?
Baby room = 1 adult: 3 children
Toddler room = 1 adult: 4 children
Preschool room = 1 adult: 8 children
What is the First aider policy?
There must be at least one first aider based within the setting, however we have more than just one at any time. We currently have 10 out of 13 staff first Aided.
How will my child’s medication be managed?
Please bring with you one medium sized bag with a couple of changes of clothes, nappies, wipes, comforters and any inhalers/pumps or epi-pens if needed specifically for your child. If you would like to keep nappies and wipes here in bulk you can, just give them to a member of staff when you arrive and these will be labeled and put away safe ready for use.
What can I expect from my child’s day?
Each area of learning and development must be implemented through planned purposeful play and through a mix of adult led and child initiated activity. Play is essential for children’s development and building confidence as they learn to explore. We highly recommend not sending your children in wearing expensive clothing or clothing you do not wish them to get messy. We do a lot of sensory-based play including paint, shaving foam, corn flour play etc. These kind of activities are out on a daily basis and although the children are wearing aprons they can sometimes still manage to get some substances onto their clothing.
What staff qualifications are held?
At least one member of staff must hold a full and relevant NVQ level 3 qualification within each room, these people are normally the room leaders, we currently have 2 members of staff who have finished their foundation degree these are the manager and deputy. Other staff hold a full and relevant NVQ level 2 and 2 members of staff are unqualified and are working hard towards their NVQ’s. The Proprietor of the setting also holds an early year’s Professional status.
How do I know I definitely have a space for my child?
Once we have received your application form then this will be when we will have a good chance to look through and see if we can definitely offer your child a space. The manager or proprietor will contact you and then will also send a letter of confirmation asking for the deposit to be paid. Once a deposit is paid we will then send you a letter of confirmation to say we have received the money and the manager will then call you to book in your settling in visits and start dates.
How much is the deposit that I need to pay?
Before your child starts we will ask for you to pay a month’s deposit which will come off their first months fees when they start with us. It tells you how to work this out on the smaller fee sheet. If you need any help do not hesitate to call or email us and we can help you with working this out. We also except childcare vouchers, these can be issued to you by your companies you work for. The amounts vary and are sent to us which help pay towards your childcare fee each month.
Where are the Fire Exits?
There are fire exits based in each room. We have monthly fire drills to teach the children and staff on which way they are to exit the nursery and to help keep this a calm situation should it happen in reality. Preschool and toddler rooms both have a fire drill book which is read regularly to remind them all on what we do and where we go.
What outdoor space is there?
Every room has their own garden space. They are used at least 2 times a day in all weathers. The nursery supplies toddlers and preschoolers with waterproof jackets and trousers which will be worn over the children’s jackets and own trousers. These must be kept at nursery at all times.
What meals are provided?
The nursery has a 2 week Rota of meals brought to us by an outside caterer. She has worked for the nursery for many years and holds all the relevant cooking qualifications and awards. Certificates are placed on the information board outside by the entrance of the setting.
What was the result of your Ofsted inspection?
Every nursery setting must have an Ofsted inspection every 3 years, we had our last inspection on the 23rd September 2013. You can find our ofsted report on http://www.ofsted.gov.uk. NEEDS CHANGING TO SHOW MOST RECENT
How is the building kept clean?
We have cleaners 5 nights per week. The staff follow a rota where the toys are regularly cleaned and sterilized.
What is the policy on photographs of the children?
Upon enrolment we will ask for your permission for photographs to be taken and kept within your child’s assessment folders or their learning journeys/displays. No photos of your child will leave the setting but can feature in other children’s learning journeys.